Friday, January 27, 2012

i just read two pretty good articles that i want to share.  the need to share comes from a decision i recently made to leave a church.  why did i choose to leave? plain and simple - the pastor.  he was abusive, condescending and self righteous.  he preached love, forgiveness, charity but lived none of it.  he judged, ridiculed, pointed fingers at and even belittled, from behind the pulpit, those who did not agree with him.  i choose to believe that those still in the church truly don't know, instead of the more likely that they are choosing to accept, and even condone, that type of behavior under the guises of "christianity."  there is no christian love in attempting to drag an entire congregation into a disagreement the pastor has with one church member - during a church service.  there is no christian love in a church member being told "no" when asking to have a former church member put on the prayer list - during a church service.  there is no christian love in making jokes about the people you have tried to get to come to your church and turned you down - during a church service.  i have come to realize this person has the capability of being the next jim jones.  i hope those that still worship there come to realize this before the kool-aid gets passed out.